March, 14 2025 Friday 10:34 Hrs
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Company News Details

Bajaj Finance Ltd
Industry :  Finance & Investments
BSE Code
ISIN Demat
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NSE Symbol
Mar.Cap( Cr.)
Face Value()
Div & Yield %

Bajaj Finance Ltd spurts 2.46%, up for third straight session
Jan 30,2025

Bajaj Finance Ltd rose for a third straight session today. The stock is quoting at Rs 7950.35, up 2.46% on the day as on 12:49 IST on the NSE. The benchmark NIFTY is up around 0.42% on the day, quoting at 23261.2. The Sensex is at 76748.82, up 0.28%. Bajaj Finance Ltd has added around 16.52% in last one month.

Meanwhile, Nifty Financial Services index of which Bajaj Finance Ltd is a constituent, has added around 1.65% in last one month and is currently quoting at 23044.95, up 0.34% on the day. The volume in the stock stood at 45.88 lakh shares today, compared to the daily average of 10.93 lakh shares in last one month.

The benchmark January futures contract for the stock is quoting at Rs 7927.9, up 2.47% on the day. Bajaj Finance Ltd is up 15.85% in last one year as compared to a 7.07% gain in NIFTY and a 12.81% gain in the Nifty Financial Services index.

The PE of the stock is 35.29 based on TTM earnings ending September 24.

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