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Section - 4(1)

SR.NO Item Details of disclosure
4.B.i Details of the organization's activities and its responsibilities Departments and Activities (will give you)
4.B. ii The powers and responsibilities of its officers and employees All the officers of IFIN have been delegated the specified responsibilities and powers as per their posts / area of work for the day to day work. The Board decides the delegation of such powers to various categories of officers. These powers are reviewed / amended from time to time as per the organization's requirements and in accordance with the Government guidelines.
4.B. iii The procedure followed in the decision making process, including levels of supervision and accountability. IFIN has a well-defined procedure regarding decision-making process for all its matters.

The method of exercising proper delegation of powers and sending of reports is adopted and is followed regularly.

According to the powers delegated by the Board to various officers, administrative decisions are also taken by officers of different levels and Executive Directors, Executive Officers and Managing Directors.
4.B. iv The norms set by IFIN for its functioning. IFIN has policies and norms duly approved by the Board of Directors and the necessary instructions are issued.
4.B.V The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records used by IFIN or under its control or followed by its employees for its activities. IFIN has many documents like manuals, instruction manuals, codified circulars, delegation of powers for internal use by employees for carrying out various activities.
4.b vi Statement of the categories of documents held by or under its control. Documents are classified into two categories, confidential (which cannot be made public) and general. The documents held by the company are generally kept by the concerned and accountable officer within the company for reference only.

1. The following general documents are kept by the department for effective and efficient operation of its operations:

Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association
Manuals made for doing business and work

2. Confidential documents which are exempt from disclosure under Section 8 of the Act, are as follows: Minutes of board meetings and general meetings Legal advice, opinion and recommendations for the purpose of the deliberative procedure given in the documents of the inter-departmental and non-inter-departmental corporation.

Confidential reports related to performance evaluation of employees

Information, including commercial confidentiality, trade secret information or intellectual property, the disclosure of which may harm the competitive position of the third party.
4.B. vii The details of such arrangement, which is kept for consultation or reporting to the public in relation to the determination of its policy or its implementation. Not Applicable
4.B. viii Particulars of boards, councils, committees and other bodies, consisting of two or more persons as part of it or for the purpose of seeking advice from it and whether the general public is present in the meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies. Or the public has access to the minutes of such meetings. IFIN Ltd. Is governed by its Board of Directors and its various committees, details of which are given below. Meetings of the board and its committees are held at regular intervals and guide the IFIN towards achieving its objectives.

Board level committees of IFIN are as follows -
1. Audit Committee 2. Human Resources Committee 3. Executive Committee 4. Risk management committee 5. Nomination and Remuneration Committee

All the above mentioned committees are of a permanent nature at this time.

As per the provisions of the Companies Act , 2013 , the minutes of the board and board level committee meetings are not made available to the public. These are made available for inspection of directors and statutory / regulatory bodies as per the provisions of the Companies Act , 2013 .
4.B.ix Directory of its officers and employees. Principal Officer
4.B.x Monthly remuneration received by its officers and employees, including the method of pay as provided in its regulations Pay Scale and Allowances - Cost to the Company comprises of several components like Basic, HRA, Conveyance etc.
4.B.xi Notice of budget allocated, proposed expenditure and disbursements made to each of its agency including details of all plans. Not Applicable
4.B.xii The manner of execution of sub-assistance programs, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries related to such programs. Not Applicable
4.B.xiii Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it. Not Applicable
4.B.xiv Details related to the information available to or held by it, which is maintained in an electronic form. Not Applicable
4.B.xv Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or study hall, if maintained for public use. Facilities for obtaining information are available to the citizens on the IFIN website. The public can also contact CPIO / CAPIOs of IFIN, whose addresses are given on our website.
4.B.xvi Names, designations and other details of public information officers. THE MANAGER, IFCI FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. “CONTINETAL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR, 142, MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD, NUNGAMBAKKAM. CHENNAI 600 034., RTI@IFINFLTD.IN

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SR.NO Contact Address
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