May, 09 2024 Thursday 23:01 Hrs
  • SENSEX :   72,404.17

  • Top commodity trading and broking companies in India-1,062.22( -1.45%) 09-May-2024
Sensex 72404.17 -1062.22  (-1.45) 09-May-2024
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73499.49 72334.18

FII Investments

As on Date companyname-top-arrow Equity/Debt companyname-top-arrow Gross Purchase( in Cr) companyname-top-arrow Gross Sale( in Cr) companyname-top-arrow Net Investment( in Cr) companyname-top-arrow Cumulative Investment US $m at monthly exchange ratio(%) companyname-top-arrow
08-May-24 Equity 13068.22 18405.02 -5336.80 -639.03
08-May-24 Debt 1778.31 2310.82 -532.51 -63.76
07-May-24 Equity 14222.30 17165.28 -2942.98 -352.45
07-May-24 Debt 1887.44 2615.89 -728.45 -87.24
06-May-24 Equity 13576.97 14727.95 -1150.98 -137.89
06-May-24 Debt 2378.93 2015.39 363.54 43.55
03-May-24 Equity 17677.66 19815.71 -2138.05 -256.42
03-May-24 Debt 3591.89 2772.64 819.25 98.26
02-May-24 Equity 17121.48 17816.48 -695.00 -83.28
02-May-24 Debt 680.82 2139.40 -1458.58 -174.77
30-Apr-24 Equity 21768.10 19917.08 1851.02 221.63
30-Apr-24 Debt 941.70 1209.99 -268.29 -32.12
29-Apr-24 Equity 13838.91 13833.38 5.53 0.66
29-Apr-24 Debt 794.69 1198.22 -403.53 -48.36
26-Apr-24 Equity 15225.18 17598.02 -2372.84 -284.72
26-Apr-24 Debt 1202.52 1108.39 94.13 11.29
25-Apr-24 Equity 24313.74 24286.80 26.94 3.24
25-Apr-24 Debt 2349.54 1865.45 484.09 58.06
24-Apr-24 Equity 17197.50 12970.31 4227.19 507.47
24-Apr-24 Debt 848.76 4048.49 -3199.73 -384.12
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