May, 09 2024 Thursday 12:21 Hrs
  • SENSEX :   73,078.00

  • Top commodity trading and broking companies in India-388.39( -0.53%) 09-May-2024
Sensex 73032.98 -433.41  (-0.59) 09-May-2024
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73499.49 72886.96

MF Investments

As on Date companyname-top-arrow Equity/Debt companyname-top-arrow Gross Purchase( in Cr) companyname-top-arrow Gross Sale( in Cr)companyname-top-arrow Net Investment ( in Cr)companyname-top-arrow
06-May-24 Equity 11,700.44 10,773.56 926.88
06-May-24 Debt 8,382.70 13,318.40 -4935.70
03-May-24 Equity 11,538.09 11,143.37 394.72
03-May-24 Debt 8,576.82 8,970.90 -394.08
02-May-24 Equity 13,351.80 11,623.50 1728.30
02-May-24 Debt 7,024.67 7,901.56 -876.89
30-Apr-24 Equity 11,955.16 10,126.90 1828.26
30-Apr-24 Debt 4,367.38 6,221.91 -1854.53
29-Apr-24 Equity 9,775.89 8,393.63 1382.26
29-Apr-24 Debt 8,153.34 10,971.35 -2818.01
26-Apr-24 Equity 12,875.98 8,327.87 4548.11
26-Apr-24 Debt 6,022.59 8,133.89 -2111.30
25-Apr-24 Equity 21,998.50 19,166.35 2832.15
25-Apr-24 Debt 7,107.01 10,265.43 -3158.42
24-Apr-24 Equity 9,677.84 6,693.99 2983.85
24-Apr-24 Debt 10,018.41 12,277.22 -2258.81
23-Apr-24 Equity 9,187.81 6,839.96 2347.85
23-Apr-24 Debt 6,753.78 7,726.73 -972.95
22-Apr-24 Equity 8,643.89 5,507.86 3136.03
22-Apr-24 Debt 3,984.48 4,685.09 -700.61
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