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Demat Account

Demat Account : Safe, Secure, Convenient & Easy to manage.

A Demat account facilitates investors to hold their securities in electronic form.

Demat account is not only for shares. An investor can hold Debentures and Bond, Mutual Fund Units, Sovereign Gold Bonds & ETFs in the same account. In short, one single Demat account will take care of safekeeping of all your securities.

Demat account is inevitable because of following reasons:

  • Sale of shares is allowed only in Demat mode.
  • Offmarket transfer of shares (to family members, relatives, etc) can be done through demat mode only and note through physical mode.
  • Public issues(IPOs) & Rights shares are allotted only in Demat mode.

Advantages of a Demat account:

  • Easy and convenient way to hold securities.
  • Highly safer than physical shares. Reduced paperwork for transfer of securities and huge reduction in transaction cost.
  • Change of address recorded with a Depository participant gets registered with all companies in which investor holds securities eliminating the need to correspond with each of them separately.
  • Automatic credit in to Demat account for shares arising out of bonus/split, consolidation/merger, etc.
  • Depository periodically sends the Consolidation Account Statement (CAS) which provides comprehensive view of his/her financial assets and provides an insight of portfolio across various asset classes. This helps in asset allocation/rebalancing of portfolio periodically.
  • Simple process for nomination helps in estate planning. Upto 3 nominees can be appointed for a single account. Registering a nomination for a demat account helps eliminate the need for documents such as will & succession certificate in case of a transmission.
  • Transmission of securities is done by the depository participant, elimination the need for notifying various companies.
  • Why should a customer buy/invest in this product through IFIN? What is the advantage IFIN provides to the customer in regards to this particular product?

At IFIN, our commitment is to provide a composite DEMAT solution which is simple and safe and services that suit your specific needs.

We have a team of professionals exclusively for handling DP related activity, apart from dedicated hardware as per NSDL/CDSL requirements, ensuring speedier response cycles. We are also one of the few DPs who have invested in the required infrastructure to be able to extend our services to Institutional and retail investors. Our services are enriched by our years of experience in servicing back-office clients, making us more aware of your individual needs.

Instant Demat& Trading account opening.

One Source many Possibilities we offer following products also

  • Buying & selling of Equity shares
  • F&O & Currency Trading
  • Commodity Trading through our subsidiary company IFIN Commodities Ltd
  • IPO & Bond Bidding
  • Mutual Funds
  • Fixed Deposits
  • Tax free bonds of PSUs, Capital Gain Bonds, Inflation Indexed Bonds, Government of India Bonds,
  • Insurance – Life, Health & General
  • Gold Rush, Sovereign Gold Bond
  • Loans against Shares and Margin Funding are arranged through the our subsidiary company IFIN Securities Finance Ltd

Convenience in Trading

  • Personal Relationship Manager
  • Free Online Trading Platform and ODIN-DIET
  • Mobile Trading – app name IFIN in Play Store & App Store (Android & IPhone)
  • Centralized Dealing Desk – Tel no.044-28306604/05 – Equity / 04428306629 – Commodity
  • Anywhere Trading


  • Research calls & Reports for Equity, Commodities & Mutual Funds
  • All day dedicated Customer Care Service
  • Online access to your account
Attention Investor:
Prevent unauthorised transactions in your account Update your mobile numbers/email IDs with your stock brokers/Depository Participant.     KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, ,Mutual ).    No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account.