December, 27 2024 Friday 00:07 Hrs
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Economy News - Detailed News

India launches its first tranche of e-auction of mineral blocks in offshore areas
29-Nov-24   11:56 Hrs IST
The first ever tranche of e-auction of mineral blocks in the offshore areas of India was launched by G. Kishan Reddy, Union Minister of Coal and Mines on 28th November, 2024. This landmark event is a major step forward in India's journey to explore and utilize its extensive offshore mineral resources within its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This first tranche of auction includes 13 mineral blocks spanning across the Arabian Sea and Andaman Sea, featuring a mix of minerals, such as construction sand, lime-mud and polymetallic nodules and crusts. These minerals are critical for infrastructure development, high-tech manufacturing and the green energy transition.

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