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Economy News - Detailed News

India committed to strengthening Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with ASEAN
11-Oct-24   12:01 Hrs IST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has stated that India is committed to strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between India and ASEAN. In the context of this year's ASEAN Summit theme, "Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience,” PM noted that to promote tourism we could declare 2025 as the "ASEAN-India Year of Tourism.” For this initiative, India will commit USD 5 million. To commemorate a decade of India’s Act East Policy, we could organise a variety of events between India and ASEAN countries. Under the "India-ASEAN Science and Technology Fund," we could hold an annual Women Scientists’ Conclave.

The number of Masters scholarships for students from ASEAN countries at the newly established Nalanda University will be increased twofold. Additionally, a new scholarship scheme for ASEAN students at India’s agricultural universities will also be launched starting this year. PM stated further that the review of the "ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement” should be completed by 2025. This will strengthen conomic relations and will help in creating a secure, resilient and reliable supply chain. For disaster resilience, USD 5 million will be allocated from the "ASEAN-India Fund." India’s National Disaster Management Authority and the ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Centre can work together in this area.

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