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Economy News - Detailed News

Households' inflation expectations moderate says RBI
10-Oct-24   11:55 Hrs IST
Reserve Bank released the results of September 2024 round of its bi-monthly inflation expectations survey of households (IESH). The survey was conducted during September 1-10, 2024, in 19 major cities, with 6,076 valid responses, where female participation was 52.6 per cent. Households' median perception of current inflation declined by 10 basis points (bps) to 8.1 per cent, when compared to July 2024 round of the survey; their inflation expectations for three months and one year ahead periods moderated by 20 and 10 bps, respectively. For both short term and one year ahead periods, the shares of respondents anticipating rise in both general prices and inflation have reduced vis-'-vis the previous survey round. Price and inflationary pressures eased across all the product groups. Female respondents had marginally lower inflation assessment and expectations when compared to their male counterparts.

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