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Economy News - Detailed News

Equity MF inflow dips 10% on monthly basis, SIPs continue to maintain upward trend
10-Oct-24   15:40 Hrs IST
The inflows in equity mutual funds (MFs) witnessed a drop of 10% to Rs 34,419 crore in September, compared to Rs 38,239 crore in August. Debt mutual funds recorded outflow of Rs 1.13 lakh crore in September, following inflow of Rs 45,169 crore in August. In total, MFs saw a net outflow of Rs 71,027 crore in September. The total assets under management (AUM) of mutual funds rose to Rs 66.82 lakh crore in September. However, monthly SIP contributions rose to Rs 24,508.73 crore in September, up from Rs 23,547.34 crore in August and hitting a fresh record.

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