December, 21 2024 Saturday 18:38 Hrs
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Company News Details

Tata Motors Ltd
Industry :  Automobiles - LCVs / HCVs
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Tata Motors Ltd
Tata Motors Group global wholesales decline 11% in Q2 FY25
Oct 08,2024

The Tata Motors Group global wholesales in Q2 FY25, including Jaguar Land Rover** were at 3,04,189 nos., lower by 11%, as compared to Q2 FY24.

Global wholesales of all Tata Motors' commercial vehicles and Tata Daewoo range in Q2 FY25 were at 86,133 nos., lower by 19%, over Q2 FY24.

Global wholesales of Tata Motors passenger vehicles* in Q2 FY25 were at 1,30,753 nos., lower by 6% as compared to Q2 FY24.

Global wholesales for Jaguar Land Rover** were 87,303 vehicles, lower by 10% as compared to Q2 FY24. Jaguar wholesales for the quarter were 5,961 vehicles, while Land Rover wholesales for the quarter were 81,342 vehicles.

*Tata Motors passenger vehicles includes sales of electric vehicles

**JLR number does not include CJLR volumes (CJLR – It is a JV between JLR and Chery Automobiles

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