December, 21 2024 Saturday 18:23 Hrs
  • SENSEX :   78,041.59

  • Top commodity trading and broking companies in India-1,176.46( -1.49%) 20-Dec-2024

Best Performers

Company Listing Date Listing Price() Offer Price() LTP() High() Low() Volume(No.s) Change (%)
Amic Forging 06-Dec-23 239.40 126 1,451.00 1,499.00 1,435.00 20,300 1,051.59
Afcom 09-Aug-24 205.20 108 914.95 974.00 909.65 52,320 747.18
Royal 19-Mar-24 129.20 68 298.75 298.75 298.75 2,000 339.34
Jyoti CNC Auto. 16-Jan-24 372.00 331 1,330.35 1,412.55 1,320.90 16,050 301.92
Sodhani Academy 23-Sep-24 53.00 40 159.00 159.00 159.00 6,000 297.50
KP Green Engg. 22-Mar-24 200.00 144 568.80 590.00 567.00 1,04,250 295.00
Doms Industries 20-Dec-23 1,400.00 790 2,775.20 2,949.65 2,738.10 9,847 251.29
Manoj Ceramic 03-Jan-24 82.00 62 215.80 215.80 215.80 1,000 248.06
Qualitek Labs 29-Jan-24 190.00 100 345.00 345.50 335.00 25,200 245.00
KRN Heat Exchan 03-Oct-24 470.00 220 704.50 749.75 697.00 59,059 220.23
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