Your age is |
Under 30 |
30 - 40 |
41 - 50 |
51 - 60 |
60 or over |
Your current annual take-home income is |
Under ().100,000 |
between ().100,000 and Re.200,000 |
between ().200,000 and ().500,000 |
between ().500,000 and ().10,00,000 |
over ().10,00,000 |
The number of years you have until retirement is |
3 years or less |
3 to 5 years |
5 to 10 years |
10 to 15 years |
15 years or more |
Your present job or business is |
Is not dependable |
Is relatively secure |
Is secure |
doesn't matter as you already have enough wealth |
doesn't matter as you can easily find an equally good new job/career |
What is your expectation of how your future earnings would be |
It would far outpace inflation |
It would be somewhat ahead of inflation |
It would keep pace with inflation |
It may not be able to keep pace with inflation |
How would you describe yourself as a risk-taker? |
Careless |
Willing to take risks for higer returns |
Can take calculated risks |
low risk taking capability |
extremely averse to risk |
How good is your knowledge of finance? |
I'm an expert in the field of finance |
I'm proficient in finance |
I don't know much about finance but I keep myself updated about the developmentsthrough newspapers, journals, TV, etc. |
Limited to knowing things like how the stock market or certain select script is/ are moving |
I'm totally zero as far as knowledge of finance is concerned |
If you lose your job or stop working today, how long do you think your savings cansupport you |
less than 3 months |
3 - 6 months |
6 months to 1 year |
1 - 3 years |
More than 3 years |
If you had ().50,000 to invest, which of the following choices would you make ? |
Put the money in Bank Fixed Deposit and Bonds |
Invest the money in Mutual Funds |
Invest the money in Shares |
Invest in a combination of the above with higher proportion of Bank FDs and Bonds |
Invest in a combination of the above with higher proportion of Mutual Funds andshares |
You have a market tip on the price appreciation of a certain scrip, you |
Immediately invest in the scrip |
Invest if you feel that the source of the tip is an experienced / expert marketplayer |
Do some enquiry and analysis and then decide |
Want to invest but are generally unable to take a decision in such cases |
You don't rely on such tips or totally ignore it |
You are on a TV game show and you win ().10,000. You have a choice to keep the moneyor risk it to win a higher amount. You : |
Are happy with the ().10,000 that you've earned |
Risk the ().10,000 on a 50% chance of winning ().30,000 |
Risk the ().10,000 on a 25% chance of winning ().75,000 |
Risk the ().10,000 on a 10% chance of winning ().1,00,000 |
Which one of the following best describes your feeling immediately after making aninvestment, you : |
Are not bothered - its just another investment for you |
Are satisfied and content with the decision |
Are not very sure whether you made the right decision |
Are worried |
Generally regret your decision |
The stock market has dropped 25% and a share that you own also dropped 25%, but themarket expects the share to go up again. What would you do ?
Sell all the shares |
Sell some of them |
Buy more of them |
Keep all of them as you expect the price to reach the earlier level |
Keep all of them as you are afraid of booking a loss |
You have a substantial sum of money spare for about 6 months after which you need
this sum to repay a loan, this sum is currently not invested anywhere. You would:
keep the money in your Bank Fixed Deposit or Open ended Debt Mutual Funds
invest the money in Open ended Equity Oriented Mutual Fund |
invest the money in Equity Shares |
loan the money at market rates to businessmen
invest the money in a combination of above |
You are financially responsible for (exclude dependants who can be supported by yourspouse's income)
only yourself. |
1 person besides yourself |
2 to 3 persons besides youself |
4 to 5 persons besides youself |
more than 5 persons besides yourself |