January, 21 2025 Tuesday 04:37 Hrs
  • SENSEX :   77,073.44

  • Commodity broking firm in India454.11( 0.59%) 20-Jan-2025
Sensex 77073.44 454.11  (0.59) 20-Jan-2025
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77318.94 76584.84

Bulk Deals

Company Name companyname-top-arrow Date companyname-top-arrow BSE Code companyname-top-arrow Client Name companyname-top-arrow Deal Type companyname-top-arrow Quantity(Nos) companyname-top-arrowcompanyname-down-arrow Price
AVAX 20-01-2025 544337 SHIVARJUN BYRAPANENI B 40,000.00 119.74
BACPHAR 20-01-2025 524516 BULL BEAR TRADERS S 47,349.00 40.22
BACPHAR 20-01-2025 524516 YELLOWSTONE VENTURES B 42,454.00 40.00
BRANDBUCKT 20-01-2025 543439 RAM SHAMKANT MAYEKAR S 5,98,000.00 12.19
BRIDGESE 20-01-2025 530249 VISHWAS SHARMA B 2,00,000.00 10.70
CHCL 20-01-2025 542678 PRAKASHCHANDRA RATH S 6,00,000.00 2.99
CORNE 20-01-2025 530755 ANKITA SNEH GADA S 59,010.00 11.45
CUPIDALBV 20-01-2025 512361 NEO APEX VENTURE LLP B 8,477.00 90.40
EPIC 20-01-2025 530407 NEO APEX VENTURE LLP B 94,223.00 62.70
FABCLEAN 20-01-2025 544332 MULTIPLIER SHARE & S B 64,000.00 227.20
Note : * Deal Type : B - Buy , S - Sell, Price = Weighted Average Traded Price / Traded Price
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